§ 18.06.801. Grading Permits.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Applicability. No person shall excavate, fill, or otherwise alter the existing grade of any property without first obtaining a grading permit, except in the following instances:



    An excavation below finished grade for landscaping or for basements and footings of a building, retaining wall or other structure authorized by a valid building permit. This subsection shall not exempt any fill made with the material from such excavation nor exempt any excavation having an unsupported height greater than five feet after the completion of such structure.


    Cemetery graves.


    Excavations for wells or utilities.


    Exploratory excavations under the direction of soil engineers or engineering geologists in the preparation of a geotechnical report for a subdivision or development.


    Required Contents of Application for Grading Permit. In addition to any information or materials required by the administrator, each grading permit application shall include:


    A topographic map, subject to the following specifications:


    The map shall include all property on and within 150 feet of the site. The requirement for 150 feet may be waived or modified by the administrator, based on the circumstances surrounding each case.


    The map shall have a minimum scale of one inch equals 60 feet.


    The map shall have contour intervals not exceeding two feet.


    The map shall graphically delineate all areas of proposed cuts of 20 feet or greater in depth and/or fills of ten feet or greater in height.


    Indication of existing and proposed drainage patterns; existing and proposed utilities; and existing and proposed driveways and natural features such as rock outcrops, ridgelines and mature trees. Natural features identified for retention shall be protected from disturbance from construction activity.


    A construction permit submittal checklist and performance standards compliance checklist, in accordance with Section 18.12.404(e).


    A re-vegetation plan if the site is larger than one acre including both the site to be graded and any proposed stockpiling. The re-vegetation plan submitted as part of a grading permit application shall address re-vegetation of all disturbed areas contained within the site that are not formally landscaped, including rockery walls and rip-rap slopes, in compliance with Section 18.12.402 and in accordance with plans developed for the site by a certified professional in erosion and sediment control (CPESC) or other qualified erosion control professional.


    A dust control plan approved by the Washoe County District Health Department.


    A description of the phases of the project.


    Findings to Approve a Grading Permit. In approving a grading permit, the administrator shall determine that:


    The proposed grading will be protected consistent with BMPs in the Truckee Meadows Construction Site Best Management Practices Handbook to minimize erosion or sediment transport to the maximum extent practicable;


    The proposed grading will not create or will adequately mitigate negative visual impacts from any arterial or freeway in the general vicinity; and


    The proposed grading will not impede natural drainage patterns without providing suitable alternatives for drainage in compliance with this title and the City of Reno Major Drainageways Plan or its successor.


    Security Required for Grading Permit.


    Before issuance of a grading permit on slopes exceeding 3:1 or as required by the city to protect areas disturbed by project grading and/or other associated construction activity, the applicant shall deposit with the community development department a bond or letter of credit in the amount determined by the applicant and approved by the city to assure that the plantings on cut and fill slopes will be established.


    In the event the city determines that plantings have not been established within a four-year period following completion of development, the city will determine the cost to replace and established such plantings. Such costs shall be deducted from the security and retained by the city for re-establishing such plantings. Any unencumbered security will be returned to the applicant at the end of the 48-month period.

(Ord. No. 5502, § 1, 9-24-03; Ord. No. 5729, § 7, 9-14-05)