§ 1.05.110. Procedures for recording notices of violation.  

Latest version.
  • (a)

    Once an enforcement official has issued a notice of violation to a responsible person and the property is in violation after the deadline established in the notice of violation, the enforcement official may record the notice of violation in the official records of Washoe County.


    Before recording, an enforcement official shall provide to the responsible person, and all owners of record a notice of intent to record stating that a notice of violation will be recorded if the violation is not corrected within ten business days from the date of the notice of intent to record.


    The notice shall include a statement that a responsible person may, within ten business days after the date the notice is served, request an administrative hearing to be conducted in accordance with sections 1.05.500 through 1.05.560 of the Code.


    The notice shall include a statement that the responsible person will be liable for the fees and costs of removal of the notice of violation.


    Any costs associated with recording the notice of violation, will be assessed against the property as provided for in sections 1.05.030 through 1.05.045 of the Code.


    The failure of any person to file a request for administrative hearing in accordance with these provisions shall constitute a waiver of the right to an administrative hearing and shall not affect the validity of the recorded notice of violation.

(Ord. No. 5063, § 1, 11-9-99; Ord. No. 5839, § 1, 6-14-06)